Actions and solutions

Goes Foundation Projects.

We have three main projects running.

1. Goes Project to monitor Oceanic pollution and plankton productivity

2. Indigenous people and low income community drinking water and sanitation

3. Bocas del Toro research station and educational centre

Goes Project 1 and climate disruption Action points

The solution is simple, regenerate Nature on Land and Marine life in the Oceans.  The problem is that the Ocean pH Clock is ticking, and by the end of this decade, if we have not implemented the solutions, it will be too late to stop the destruction of nature and catastrophic climate change….irrespective of what we do with carbon.

How do we regenerate nature?

  1. Stop habitat destruction, burning trees, destructive fishing, and the clearance of seagrass, mangroves, wetlands, and marshlands.
  2. Stop the pollution of water, soil, and atmosphere with toxic forever chemicals, especially lipophilic chemicals such as molecular plastic, PCBs, PBDE, Oxybenzone, pesticides, herbicides, and 15,000 other chemicals.
  3. We must prevent toxic substances from entering the environment, such as plastic, and black carbon soot, from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, and bunker fuel oil.
  4. Carbon mitigation is important, it will not stop climate change, but it will buy us time to regenerate nature.
  5. Regenerative agriculture must be practised
  6. Massive planting of trees and grass
  7. With the creation of wetlands, we need to hold onto freshwater for longer while on land.
  8. Massive world wide dosing of calcium carbonate into the world’s oceans to increase both the calcium concentration and alkalinity.

How do we stop pollution?

  1. 80% of the world has no municipal wastewater treatment. Install aeration ditches or extended diffused aeration system with at least a 10-day residence time. These systems can be constructed by local communities, are 1/50th to 1/100th of the cost of standard water treatment, and are far superior.
  2. Less than 10% of municipal wastewater treatment in high income countries is fitted with tertiary treatment to remove, plastic and toxic chemicals. This needs to be rectified. Water treatment systems should do no harm to the environment. Eden Cycle system is an example
  3. The shipping industry must use clean fuel and fit scrubbers that remove carbon, PAHS and heavy metals without dumping them into the ocean or atmosphere.
  4. Stop fast fashion and toxic clothes
  5. In green chemistry and manufacturing,  there are huge opportunities to develop chemical products that are safe for the environment and safe for people. The same applies to physical products
  6. Car and truck tyres are horribly toxic, the microplastic washes off the roads when it rains and most of it enters rivers and then the seas and oceans. There are non toxic or less toxic options that just need to be implemented
  7. Cosmetics contain some of the most toxic chemicals, such as oxybenzone, sunscreen, and microplastics. The packaging also tends to be toxic. Anything toxic to nature will also be toxic to people. 20,000 metric tonnes of oxybenzone are used in sunscreen and cosmetics every year. Around 70,000 tonnes would wipe out all the coral reefs and most life in the world’s oceans.
  8. In pharmaceuticals, the chemicals are designed to be stable and highly bioactive. Around 90% of them will end up being urinated down the toilet and into rivers and oceans. Sensible prescription choices should be made to use less harmful drugs. Carbon filters should also be prescribed to help remove the chemicals when you urinate.
  9. Ban single use plastic

What can the individual do to make a difference?

  1. Don’t purchase plastic clothes especially a fleece, they release a huge amount of microplastic. Fit microplastic filter to your washing machine. Buy good quality natural fibres and keep them for as long as possible.
  2. Check your cosmetics, if they contain chemicals such as oxybenzone, take them back to the shop and tell them they are killing the environment and causing endocrine disruption of their clients
  3. Avoid the purchase of single use plastic, do not purchase any drinks in plastic bottles, not only is it damaging to the environment you will also be drinking a great deal of plastic and toxic plastic leachate chemicals
  4. Do not purchase clothes, carpets or furniture  that have fire retardants or stain shields. The chemicals are very cancerogenic to you and your family as well as nature
  5. Never purchase toxic herbicides, pesticides, or any toxic pest control chemicals. There are safe, low cost options that are much more effective. 
  6. Do not purchase toxic cleaning agents, the best cleaning products are vinegar and baking soda, combined with elbow grease
  7. Try to purchase organic food when possible. Even bread is loaded with glyphosate, and flour from many sources.
  8. Minimise your carbon footprint, by walking / cycling, or using public transport. Avoid air travel and minimise road travel.  If you have to use a car, drive carefully. Electric cars are more harmful to the environment than gasoline-powered cars due to toxic tyre wear, unless non-toxic tyres are used.
  9. The most toxic place is at home or in a car. Get out if possible and enjoy nature, help protect our natural heritage, live, restore, regenerate, and do some good as opposed to less bad.

Emergency strategies and geoengineering

  1. The dispersal of ferric oxide at high altitude will catalyse the oxidation of methane, the ferric will also stimulate phytoplankton growth in the oceans to absorb carbon dioxide. This needs to be balanced with additional mineral supplementation; otherwise, we end up with toxic phytoplankton and hazardous blooms.
  2. Artificial SML layer, the SML layer controls atmospheric water vapour pressure  and cloud formation, which is 75% of climate disruption. It is technically feasible to develop an artificial SML  comprising lipids, surfactants, ferric, trace minerals, and DMS.  High Latitudes would be the target areas for cooling and reflective cloud formation. The Mediterranean has lost its SML, this would explain the extreme climate fluctuations, and as such, it would be a useful test area.