Death by a thousand cuts: reasons and solutions for climate change….

Climate change is not just caused by carbon dioxide. It is more like death by a thousand cuts, a metaphor for the gradual accumulation of small injuries or insults, which can eventually lead to a significant negative outcome.

It is ridiculous to believe that we can solve climate change through carbon mitigation. There are thousands of reasons why the earth’s climate and life support system are falling apart. The key is to get down to the common denominator, the reason for life on earth, and the answer is simple: nature and the conditions that support nature.

Our focus should be on regeneration of nature on land and marine life in the oceans, and the greatest threat to nature is pollution from toxic lipophilic oil-based chemicals, plastic, and partially combusted carbon. There are many other reasons, but just these three components probably represent 80%

The combination of chemicals and plastic is killing all marine life. Plastic and chemicals are now in every litre of rainwater everywhere on the planet. This means that everything, everywhere, is poisoned by herbicides, pesticides, PFOS and toxic forever chemicals, there is no escape for humans or nature.

It’s not just one thing—one chemical, one particle—but what they all have in common is being hydrophobic and lipophilic. This means that the most toxic chemicals and particles do not dissolve in water; they are water-hating. Instead of floating on the surface of water, the chemicals get adsorbed and concentrated many thousands of times on the particles, which greatly amplifies their toxicity. The water industry mantra—the solution to pollution is dilution—is wrong in the extreme.

Given that the most toxic chemicals and particles are hydrophobic and are attracted to hydrophobic surfaces, this then gives you the solution. Water filtration systems and air filters that are super hydrophobic could eliminate the pollution. The filtration technology to achieve this task is already available for implementation.

Bioclimatic climate change report

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