It is not possible to stop climate change, average Ocean temperatures are 4 deg C warmer than average air temperatures.
Even if we are carbon neutral by the end of the decade (impossible), atmospheric carbon dioxide will still pass 500 ppm, Oceanic pH will drop below pH 7.95, and there will be a massive regime shift in the world’s Oceans. Regime shift is a biological way of saying everything dies and the sea turns into green snot.
We also lose the SML layer (surface microlayer), which acts like an ocean skin, preventing humidity levels from increasing rapidly, humidity = 70% of all greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide is just 20%. This is one of the reasons why the Arctic is heating four times faster than the rest of the world; the same applies to the Mediterranean and Southern Oceans due to the much lower calcium alkalinity chemistry of the water.
The conclusion is that it is impossible to save marine life or stop catastrophic climate change through carbon mitigation. Already, average Ocean temperatures are 4 °C warmer than average atmospheric temperatures. There is zero possibility in stopping climate change.
average global air temp 16.92 deg C
Average global Ocean temp 20.96 deg C,
There is now a massive die-off of birds, marine mammals, fish, and plankton that make up the life support system for the planet.
Our mission now is to try to stop the regime shift in the world’s oceans. 56% of the Oceans have turned green; it is no longer a blue planet. We achieve this task through the elimination of pollution.
80% of the world has no municipal or industrial wastewater treatment, and we continue to dump toxic chemicals, plastic, and partially combusted carbon into the environment. If we are to survive, the planet needs to be toxic-free as soon as possible.
The Goes report